Friday, April 9, 2010

Of Cardboard and Cow Farts

Hey, everyone!

I was just bopping around on the internet and found this article on a green design contest. The link is in the title. The article itself is about a year old, but I had never heard of the winning designs. It's short, interesting, and applicable to our class. I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, April 5, 2010

For Robyn and Isaac especially!

We were wondering exactly how you calculated the offset for the Waste-to-Energy program. It says "To calculate the offset of Veolia Environmental services Waste-to-Energy program, figures for the campus' tons of garbage were collected and were first input into the CACPCCC as if the waste were disposed of into a landfill instead of through the program...This value was then again put into the CACPCCC to generate carbon emissions generated within the Waste-to-Energy program." As far as inputing these goes, can you perform a calculation in solely one area of the calculator without having any other data in there? Thanks!